Half-Life 2 Headcrab Necklace Better Not Crawl onto Your Head

For weeks after I played Half-Life 2, I had nightmares about rooms full of headcrabs descending on me, and me trying to fight them off by flinging circular saw blades at them with my gravity gun. So the idea of wearing a necklace with a headcrab on it just give me the creeps. Plus, I’m a dude.

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But that didn’t stop jewelry artist Annika of Paranoia mit Sahne (which translates to “Paranoia with cream”) from making a headcrab-inspired necklace for those of you who find the little guys cute and charming. The necklace was handcrafted from Fimo and Super Sculpey clay by the artist, stiffened with wire, and topped off with acrylic painted details and a heavy-duty glaze coat. And no, none of that killed the headcrab. It’s still alive and well, and ready to climb up that chain and into your hair.

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If you find the idea of a wearable headcrab appealing, you can grab this thing over on Etsy for about $35(USD). Grab it before it grabs you.