Half-Life 2 Headcrab Hat: Hair & Mind Control

ThinkGeek is now selling an officially licensed plush Headcrab Hat. It sits on top of your head and doesn’t cover your face. Because that would just be silly.

half life 2 headcrab hat from thinkgeek 620x575magnify

The hat has an adjustable baseball cap-style closure at the back and is made of polyester. We think.

half life 2 headcrab hat from thinkgeek 2 620x310magnify

Prepare a crowbar and a torch and head to ThinkGeek to order the hat. It costs $30 (USD) and possibly your free will.

[via Gamefreaks]

Half-Life 2 Headcrab Necklace Better Not Crawl onto Your Head

For weeks after I played Half-Life 2, I had nightmares about rooms full of headcrabs descending on me, and me trying to fight them off by flinging circular saw blades at them with my gravity gun. So the idea of wearing a necklace with a headcrab on it just give me the creeps. Plus, I’m a dude.

headcrab necklace 1

But that didn’t stop jewelry artist Annika of Paranoia mit Sahne (which translates to “Paranoia with cream”) from making a headcrab-inspired necklace for those of you who find the little guys cute and charming. The necklace was handcrafted from Fimo and Super Sculpey clay by the artist, stiffened with wire, and topped off with acrylic painted details and a heavy-duty glaze coat. And no, none of that killed the headcrab. It’s still alive and well, and ready to climb up that chain and into your hair.

headcrab necklace 2

If you find the idea of a wearable headcrab appealing, you can grab this thing over on Etsy for about $35(USD). Grab it before it grabs you.

Breadcrab: Baking Half-Life Style

Fans of the Half-Life series will immediately recognize this delicacy as one of those pesky, but relatively easy to kill headcrabs. Now it might just be my shellfish allergy and fear or anaphylactic shock, but I never really had the desire to find out what a headcrab tasted like, but I might make an exception for this version.


Yep, this isn’t an ordinary headcrab – it’s a delicious breadcrab, courtesy of the folks at cookies.bruk.org. Now before you get all mad at me and start complaining that the breadcrab dates all the way back to 2004, I already know that. But I never saw it before today, and figured that it might be new for some of you guys as well. It’s the Internet after all, where nothing ever truly dies – it just ages like fine wine, right?

[via That's Nerdalicious]