Unwrap It, Then Plant It: 100% Plantable Wrapping Paper

Every year, trash cans all around the world overflow with discarded gift wrap and packaging on Christmas morning. Some people take the time to unwrap their presents carefully on Christmas eve so the paper can be recycled, but the majority don’t have the patience (or simply don’t care enough) to do so. That’s where the plantable wrapping paper by Eden’s Paper comes in.

Plantable Wrapping Paper This unusual wrapping paper sports colorful designs that reflect what type of seeds are embedded in the paper itself. That means the entire paper is a giant seed packet that you can use to plant in your garden. How cool is that?

Naturally, it follows that the giftwrap is biodegradable, offering more eco-friendly options for its disposal.

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Options for seeds include chili, tomato, broccoli, carrots, and onions. The plantable wrapping paper by Eden’s Paper is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of £5 (~$8 USD) will get you one sheet of the paper.

[via FoodBeast]

PicPaperie Turns Instagram Shots into Wrapping Paper

When it comes to gifts, it’s better to skip generic presents and find something that its intended recipient would really want and use. Otherwise, the entire thing is basically meaningless.

Now you can take things one step further by making the wrapping paper itself just as special, with PicPaperie’s customized wrapping paper.

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PicPaperie is essentially a service that lets folks like you and me print custom gift wrap. The twist is that it uses images obtained from Instagram.

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It’s a neat way of customizing gifts, since you can wrap up a gift for your friend that’s covered in images of her pets or her face, in case she’s really into selfies.

PicPaperie recently wrapped up a campaign on Indiegogo. You can find out more about the service by checking out their website.

[via Laughing Squid]