Google Forbids All Fun Google Glass Apps

Google Glass is the most unreleased controversial gadget ever. Mainstream adoption is highly questionable because of privacy and general usability. It is though inspiring lots of applications that we...

Google Glass is up for #ifihadglass Applicants

At the I/O, the Google Glass Explorer Program got underway the previous year and its members were able to order the wearable technology for the next generation. The glasses fitted with a computer...

Google to begin inviting non-developers to become Glass Explorers

By now, all the developers who signed up to receive Glass prototypes should have the headgear in hand, so Google's ready to move on to the next phase. Over the next few weeks, the company will begin sending invitations to successful #ifihadglass applicants. Invites will come via Google+, so you'll need to have +Project Glass in your Circles in order to jump to the next step. Unfortunately, the Explorer program is closed, so it's a bit to late to submit an application now. Google's promised to keep you in the loop regarding future opportunities, though. Simply add your info at the source link below to sign up for updates.

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Source: Project Glass (Google+), More Info Registration

Switched On: Three days without Google Glass

Each week Ross Rubin contributes Switched On, a column about consumer technology.

DNP Switched On Three days without Google Glass

The television. The PC. The cellphone. We take the things in these sentence fragments for granted today, but they took many years to enter the mainstream. Could Google Glass herald the next great product that we will one day wonder how we lived without? Based on three days of not using the product, you may want to ask someone else.

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