LEGO James Bond Aston Martin DB5 Has a Working Ejector Seat

We here at Technabob don’t just watch James Bond movies to see the spy in action saving the world from villains. It’s all about the gadgets, the women, and the cars. 007 has great taste in all of those areas. And now LEGO designers have recreated the iconic 1964 Aston Martin DB5 that Sean Connery drove as 007… with all of its wonderful gadgets.

The new 1,290-piece DB5 is a must for Bond fans. The outside looks great, but the real magic happens inside. This replica from Goldfinger has a rotating license plate, retractable bullet shield behind the rear window, tire slashers on the wheels, a telephone in the driver’s door, a concealable tracking computer stashed inside the dashboard, pop-out machine guns under the headlights, and a functional passenger-side ejector seat. How awesome is that list of features? Just pull the rear bumper to open the roof and that triggers the ejection mechanism. Pulling back on the stick shift reveals the machine guns in front.

LEGO did a great job with this design, and any Bond fan would love to have it in their collection. The model will be in stores on August 1, or on LEGO’s online shop, for $149.99. LEGO VIPs and SDCC attendees might be able to snag a set earlier. This set will be a joy to build, no matter who your favorite James Bond is.

The Empire Strikes Back at James Bond

Star Wars films always open with a crawl of text that serves as a prologue that sets up the story. James Bond films on the other hand always have an animated opening with lots of naked ladies with their girly bits hidden in shadows. Often Bond opening sequences take us right down the barrel of his Walther PPK pistol.

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Kurt Rauffer created an awesome mashup of The Empire Strikes Back with a James Bond opening style and it works way better than it has any right to. The opening is set to Radiohead’s Spectre title song that was rejected in favor of that crappy Sam Smith song.

I really didn’t like Spectre very much. It was one of those films where all the good parts were in the trailer. I was also very disappointed in the car chase; the one that opened Quantum of Solace was much, much better. Regardless, Kurt’s video is very cool and you should give it a watch.

[via io9]

Every James Bond Gadget in One Video

I’ve been a James Bond fan since I was a little kid. Growing up, James Bond was always Roger Moore, and the coolest gadget in all the franchise was the Lotus Esprit submarine from The Spy Who Loved Me. I tried to watch some of the older Bond flicks growing up and the jazz music and oddball gadgets made them feel very dated to me.

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I happen to think that Daniel Craig is the best Bond we have ever had, and he rarely uses gadgets. Regardless, Q does continue to come up with cool stuff. Check out this video from Burger Fiction. It showcases every James Bond gadget up through Skyfall in one place. It will take a bit more than 16 minutes of your time, and is worth the watch.

Which is your favorite Bond gadget?

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