Ariana Grande becomes Princess Leia

It is selfie time for Ariana Grande. She enjoys her life very well despite her busy schedule. The 21-year-old is currently busy promoting her new album. But she managed to try on some new hairstyles...

Empire Strikes Back “I Love You, I Know” Hand Towels

Looking for a special geeky gift for your Valentine this year? Check out these Empire Strikes Back hand towels. They are perfect for couples – who like Han and Leia – need few words to sum up their feelings.
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These hand towels are embroidered with the profiles of Han and Leia with the words “I Love You/I Know” on them. On the other side, there’s a really nice row of embroidered Rebel Alliance symbols and the Star Wars logo. Han will love them because he can wipe his greasy hands on them after working on the Falcon. Leia will love them because they match her bathrobe.

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These cool hand towels are $19.99(USD) from ThinkGeek.
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Princess Leia and Han Solo Declare Their Timeless Love with Clocks

When Han and Leia are forced to be away from each other, at least they will know that each of them truly loves the other thanks to this pair of clocks proclaiming that love. Han hangs his in the Millenium Falcon, while Leia hangs hers in whatever diplomatic offices she happens to reside in.
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That pair is so cute. After all of these years, they are still saying that classic line to each other – despite one of them being a scoundrel and a scruffy little nerf herder. Only now they use clocks. If you and your mate are like Leia and Han, but forced to be apart, you will want these clocks as a constant reminder.

This pair of clocks comes from Etsy seller Objectindustrialart and will cost you $25.50(USD). Not bad for two clocks that remind you of your special other.