Jet Engine-Powered Merry-Go-Round Is a Scary-Go-Round

I’m too big of a chicken for most carnival rides. All I can think about is something going wrong and me dying. If you’re going endanger your life, go big or go home. Ride a merry-go-round powered by real jet engines rocketing you around in circles, like some crazy cartoon contraption.


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Photo by Gillian Gutenberg

This insane ride was built by the Brooklyn-based Madagascar Institute, and has shown up at a few fairs over the last several years. It only accommodates two riders, because if you had more, everyone would be hit in the face by the afterburners. If you punched those jet engines to the max, you could probably pull some serious Gs.

[via Sploid via The Awesomer]

Bench Go Round Is a Bench, Also a Merry-go-round

Sometimes you just need something in your day that breaks up the monotony and offers some unexpected play to your otherwise serious life. That’s exactly what the Bench Go Round is all about. It promotes child-like playfulness and helps connect strangers.

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People just can’t help it. Think about how two people can sit quietly on a normal bench without even acknowledging each other. That’s just not possible on a bench that is also a merry-go-round. This innovation is helping to break people’s barriers.

This design was George Zisiadis’ contribution to the Market Street Prototyping Festival last month in San Francisco: A public exhibition of new products and architectural ideas. They should completely replace public benches with this design. It might make cities nicer places, by making the people a little more light-hearted.

[via Laughing Squid via Neatorama]