Atomic Wedgie Murder takes Inspiration from the Mask

A wedgie is one of the things you try to avoid receiving in college. Pulling someones underwear up, aka wedgie, is so common that the prank has it's own Wikipedia page. On that page you can learn...

The Most Evil Office Pranks


With only a week to go, it’s time to start planning your yearly April’s fool day pranks… Mwahahaha…

There are 3 types of people when it come to April’s fools day: the ones that are trying to pull you off and the result is pretty lame, the ones who don’t care about this ...
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Sponsored Video: Ed Bassmaster Applies his Prankster Skills for Pine-Sol

Even cleaning products need social engagement. Pine-Sol is pretty good at this capitalizing on their famous spokes person Diane Amos aka The Pine-Sol Lady.In a new web video series the Pine-Sol Lady...