The Wakeup Machine Wakes You with a Slap

Simone Giertz has created an alarm clock that slaps you in the face to ensure you wake up. Great invention. This is what I need, because I just want to sleep and hit the snooze button 20 times after the alarm goes off. A slap will wake anyone up – especially one from this machine.

slap_alarm_clock_1zoom in

It doesn’t all go according to plan though. This hand slaps the hell out of her and her hair gets caught in the mechanism. Hey, every good invention has some problems that make you go back to the drawing board.

Note: The video contains NSFW language. Because you try getting slapped senseless and having your hair eaten by this machine and see if you don’t swear like a truck driver.

[via Digg via Neatorama]

An Odd Request: Guy Asks Wife for a Slappy Wake Up Call Every Morning

I don’t know how they do it, but some people manage to sleep through their alarms every morning, regardless of how loud or irritating it is. Take it from someone who’s lived with a sister who sets alarms for four in the morning because she needs to cram for a test… only to sleep through it and wake the rest of the household at such an ungodly hour.

This guy, however… maybe he hasn’t had much luck with alarms, because he requested his wife to slap him awake every morning for fifteen days. I don’t know why he chose such a painful wake-up call, but it’s hilarious all the same.

VIA [ Obvious Winner ]