Artist Adds Star Wars Characters to Thrift Shop Paintings

A lot of people take paintings that they find at thrift stores and add stuff to them. Some people even add Star Wars themes to these paintings, but Dave Vancook has a great eye for it.
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Boba Fett as a matador, facing off against a raging bull? Greedo in Scottish attire, riding a pony? How about an Endor Scout trooper having lunch at a restaurant with his speeder bike parked in front? Check. Check. And check. That is just some of Dave’s fantastically geeky work.

greedo by david vancook 620x785magnify

I would love to hang these up in my home. I especially like the Boba Fett one. It’s classy and geeky.

scout trooper by david vancook 620x428magnify

[via Boing Boing]

Lady Finds Nintendo Game Worth $15,000 at Thrift Shop

It pays to hunt for treasure at thrift stores sometimes. Here’s proof. A North Carolina woman spent $7.99 on an old Nintendo game at a Goodwill store. Nothing unusual there. The unusual part – the game was Stadium Events, one of the rarest titles ever sold, and worth a cool $15,000.

nintendo stadium events

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