The FCC is helping cable companies evade consumer protection rules

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol): is it an information service or a telecommunications service? This is the question that sits at the heart of an ongoing dispute between the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the Minnesota Public Utilitie...

Amazon Echo and Google Home want to be your new house phone

Right now, you can order a pizza, manage your to-do list and call an Uber on Amazon Echo and Google Home. The latest development from the smart speakers would give us yet another reason to leave our phones in our pocket. The Wall Street Journal repor...

Signal tries its hand at encrypted video and voice calling

Open Whisper Systems' Signal app is no longer limited to keeping text chats out of the wrong hands. A beta version of the Android app now includes experimental support for video and voice calling. Both sides of a conversation will have to switch th...

Skype translations now work with calls to phone lines

Skype's live translations are no longer limited to fellow internet callers. If you're part of the Windows Insider Program, you now have access to a Skype Preview release for PCs that will translate calls to conventional phones, whether they're cellp...