A Sound Absorbing Light?


In an empty room, all it takes is a single, upholstered object to greatly reduce reflected sound. That’s the idea behind the BuzziHat lighting series! Each pendant is clad in soft fabric, giving them excellent sound-absorbing quality in addition to the illumination they provide. In a wide array of color and fabric combinations as well as metal ring details in 4 finishes (black, white, beige-red and gold), you can create a style accent all your own and keep even minimalistic spaces echo-free!

Designer: Alain Gilles for BuzziSpace





Mirror Mirror on the Wall


Mirror Mirror was inspired by our very human search for the self and our modern obsession with image which is reflected through social media. The first large mirror shows us the reflection of ourselves which is then echoed and transformed by the small mirror observing that image. This second mirror is supported in the way in which a hand would support any of our connected objects. The second, smaller mirror is itself a prism which transforms the image and puts it through the “mill of our society.” This social prism is represented by the grid or the fabric of society as a whole. But this perception is then swallowed, that of the echo of the image which is repeated to infinity and disappears, little by little.

At the same time, the large and small mirrors, reflected in each other, represent support and mutual help, since they are in interaction with each other, even acting as a kind of shared walking stick, each supporting the other!

Designer: Alain Gilles



O’Sun Nomad Solar Lamp: A Jug Full of Light

This new lamp was created by the Belgian designer Alain Gilles for O’Sun, and it was specifically made to address the needs of families living in parts of the world that don’t have access to electricity. In many parts of the world, kerosene lamps are used widely, but they often cause deadly accidents. The Nomad lamp is a portable rechargeable device, that’s easy to operate and use, and is completely safe.

osun nomad lamp panel

Using the included solar panel, once fully charged up, the Nomad lamp will provide 6 hours of light at full intensity. The lamp only has one button and can be placed almost anywhere since it’s designed to be resistant to shocks and falls. The luminous globe is protected by a silicone disk, further enhancing its usefulness.

osun nomad lamp accessories

osun nomad lamp placement

The lamp can also be hung almost anywhere and can also serve as a good camping light. There are 12 LEDs inside of it, which should provide plenty of illumination. In addition to solar power, it can also be juiced up conventionally, or from a car’s cigarette lighter. There’s also an attachment to charge up mobile phones.

osun nomad lamp colors
[via designboom]