The Robot Arm of our Nightmares Plays in a Pool of Blood

In the future, robots will frolic in pools of human blood and use it for lubrication. Then robot arms will be forced to clean it all up. Today we can get a little taste of that horror that lies before us.

If you want to see a robot arm squeegee up a massive puddle of blood, either time travel into the future or check out this installation by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu. It is called “Can’t Help Myself” and it is on display at the Guggenheim Museum through March.

I bet that arm is enjoying itself, playing with that pool of blood like some deranged serial killer. We are all well and truly screwed.

[via Boing Boing via Neatorama]

ICYMI: Separating blood based on a kids toy

Today on In Case You Missed It: Stanford bioengineers created a centrifuge to separate blood and detect disease, all based on whirligigs from childhood. They estimate the blood cell device would cost only 20 cents a piece to make, and since it'...