Boobie Ice Cream Is A Real Thing. A Real Delicious Thing.

Boobie Ice Cream Is A Real Thing. A Real Delicious Thing.
Kubota Foods sells Boobie Ice Cream. It doesn’t actually contain breastmilk but you do suck the sweet ice treat from a nip a la a baby from his mother’s teat. Don’t believe me? The product site explains: It is the ice of rubber containers full of nostalgia. Lacto type of light is entered in, you […]
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These Cookies Promise To Make Your Boobs Grow

These Cookies Promise To Make Your Boobs Grow
Want bigger TTs? Don’t we all. And everyone loves cookies (anyone who says otherwise is a liar!!!!!!!!), so these Japanese F-Cup Cookies hit two birds with one stone. Or should I say two boobs with one cookie? Apparently the tasty treats contain Pueraria Mirifica extract which apparently makes boobies bigger. Do NOT let Cookie Monster […]
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The Boob Artist

The Boob Artist
This is Marcey Hawk. She’s an arist. But not just your ordinary, everyday, regular artist; she’s a boobie artist. No, she doesn’t paint pictures OF breasts, she paints pictures WITH breasts. Her breasts to be exact. Ooh, but what if she painted pictures OF breasts WITH breasts? Yeah: boobception. Unfortunately, they’re just abstract paintings. She [...]
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Bra Warns Wearer When Overreating

Bra Warns Wearer When Overreating
As if bras weren’t annoying enough (LET MY TEE-TEES BE FREE!), now there’s a bra that will nag you when you’re stress-eating. That’s right, Microsoft Research has invented a battery-powered bra equipped with sensor pads that monitors your mood and will alert you when overeating via your smartphone. Cool, first my tits gave away my [...]
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Topless Graffiti Gets Mastectomies for Breast Cancer Awareness

Topless Graffiti Gets Mastectomies for Breast Cancer Awareness
It’s pretty well established that boobies are acceptable in fine art, so seeing the trend continue in street art is really no surprise. But you might be surprised if you walked around the city and saw that all of the women depicted in street art had mastectomy scars. The São Paulo-based AC Camargo Cancer Center [...]
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A Bra That Tweets

A Bra That Tweets
This is the Tweeting Bra, a bra that sends a Tweet each time it’s unclasped. It’s designed by OgilvyOne Athens who created it for a campaign by Netsle Fitness. The hope for the Tweeting Bra is that it will promote breast cancer awareness. However, I imagine it’s really only successful in promoting pervy dudes to [...]
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Save The Tatas!: Mammo-Grahams

Save The Tatas!: Mammo-Grahams
Because October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Wendy Thomas of Lessons Learned from the Flock made up these Mammo-Grahams. They’re chocolate Graham crackers smooshing Marzipan taytays. To make them, you’ll also need white frosting to hold it all together and some pink frosting gel for the nips. Pretty clever! And I bet they taste good [...]
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Breast Soap Dispenser

Breast Soap Dispenser
BEWARE! Uncensored NSFW pic below. This is a soap dispenser in the shape of a pair of breasts. Because who wouldn’t want a set of sudsy tatas for squirting soap on your shower pouf? You know who you are — SHOW YOURSELVES! No one? That’s what I thought. The product description claims that the titty [...]
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Boobie-Shaped Kettle Bells

Boobie-Shaped Kettle Bells
The 306 Creative Communication Agency brings us these kettlebells shaped like tatas. But judging by the look of it, I imagine they don’t feel like the real deal. You can’t win em all! The weights comes in three sizes: small, medium and large. Man, you’d think a creative ad agency would have come up with [...]
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Emergency Gas Mask Bra

Emergency Gas Mask Bra
After the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, Dr. Elena Bodnar set out to create an emergency gas mask. She’s now won the Ig Nobel Public Health Prize for her work. The ingenious invention? The RAD Emergency Bra (or ebra), an over the shoulder boulder holder that’s equipped with a radiation sensor. Each separate bra cup acts [...]
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