Quit Smoking Before Third-Hand Smoke Destroys Your Kid’s Health

It is not an easy job for smokers to quit smoking. But smoking had once been thought to cause cancer, heart disease and asthma in first-hand smokers. Then this trend spread to include second-hand...

Quit Smoking If You Value Your Children’s Health

It has now been proved without a shadow of doubt that passive inhalation of cigarette smoke causes permanent damage to kids’ health. The second-hand smoke seriously messes up the young one’s arteries...

The Passive Smoking Issue Is A Rorschach Test For The Ability To Think Scientifically

Word of the latest “study” only recapitulates the confusion surrounding the issue. Earlier this month the prestigious Journal of the National Cancer Institute carried a news item titled “No Clear...

Weather-Proof USB Rechargeable Electric Lighter

usb chargeable lighter Weather Proof USB Rechargeable Electric Lighter
It’s a modern technological take on the ol’ butane lighter with the Slighter USB Rechargeable Electric Lighter Weather Proof USB Rechargeable Electric Lighter. It’s a bit like those old car cigarette lighters (do they even still offer that as an option) except that it charges up via a USB cable. Weather-proof and eco-friendly, it can light 100 times per charge. There’s no flame to blow out in the wind and it doesn’t have any gas inside it. Would be great for your car if you smoke but don’t have a car lighter.

buy now Weather Proof USB Rechargeable Electric Lighter

Weather-Proof USB Rechargeable Electric Lighter