Annoying Panes: Talking Window Transmits Ads While Commuters Sleep

It’s been a long train ride and you’re starting to get drowsy. So you lean a bit on the window and take in the scenery flashing by… when you suddenly hear a voice telling you about some new gadget or some recent markdowns.

This newest advertising marvel is aptly called the Talking Window and it was developed by Audiva.

Talking Window

It’s part of an advertising experiment from Germany’s BBDO for Sky Deutschland. The transmitter uses high-frequency vibrations and streams this onto the glass to send out the audio message. The vibrations are then interpreted as sound by the human brain. This technology is called “bone conduction” and is currently being used by deaf people, the military and Google Glass among other things.

The cool thing is that only the people seated next to the window can hear this message. The uncool thing is that it bugs most people who experience it, probably because their nap or rest time is being interrupted by a window that’s churning out ads.

In fact, if you look at the video closely, you’ll notice that the people who heard the messages look confused and somewhat irked. I know I would be.

[via BBC via Dvice]

Man-Eater Game Encourages Urban Commuters to Chomp on Pedestrians

Nobody wants to be called a man-eater. People have been singing about them for years but it’s hardly a compliment to be called one. But a man-eater is what you have to become if you want to top the high-score charts in this urban game aptly called Man-Eater.

Man EaterDaniel Disselkoen played with the man-eater concept and came up with the game for his graduation project at the Royal Academy of Art in The Hague.

To play, the people in the tram simply have to close one eye and adjust their position relative to that of the man-eater that’s stuck onto the window of the tram. As the vehicle moves, they must then try to ‘eat’ as many pedestrian heads as they can.

Daniel explains the reasoning behind the game: “Why would you look out the window with curiosity when there is no reason to expect anything new?”

Man-Eater is pretty simple but I think it can make people want to look out the window more.

[via Pop Up City]