Weaponizing LEGO Bricks: You’ll Shoot Your Eye Out, Literally.

And you thought that LEGO bricks were painful to step on. Imagine getting shot with them. There’s a gun for that. Joerg Sprave’s latest creation is a custom elastic-powered gun that can turn LEGO bricks into nasty projectiles. Of course, he couldn’t just leave well enough alone, and added a nail out of one of the bricks. Ouch.

LEGO bricks have long been the bane of parents who unwittingly step into their kid’s room and onto those pointy corners. Well, wearing shoes around the house won’t help you here. I’m just glad that no one can buy this gun. LEGO projectiles are no joke as shown in the video:

You wouldn’t want to get hit with any of these bricks that he uses in this gun, and I certainly don’t endorse anyone trying to make one of these at home. Leave that madness to Joerg.

[via Sploid]

This Is One NERF Dart You Wouldn’t Want to Be Hit by

The thing about NERF darts is, they’re designed to be safe. You can unload them on friends without having to worry about any serious injury, but what happens when you fire a NERF dart from an air cannon? Let’s just say you will want to get the hell out of the way!

On the latest episode of his NERF Experiments series, Giaco Whatever loaded up an air cannon he built with NERF darts, and let them rip. They’re so fast, you can’t see them with your naked eye, so he captured slow motion footage to find out just how fast the NERF darts were traveling from the cannon.

It turns out that the dart flies along at about Mach 2.3, which is 2.3 times the speed of sound. And that means that the dart is wayyy more dangerous than when it’s fired from an ordinary NERF gun.

Yes, it took a nice chunk out of that block of wood. Clearly you don’t want to be in the path of this thing. If you don’t believe me, check this out:

[via Laughing Squid]