SpaceX readies its spacecraft and astronauts for crewed missions

SpaceX's priority is to get humans into space. Eventually, some of those people will end up on Mars. For now, the rocket-launching company needs to work on getting astronauts to the ISS (International Space Station). To that end, it recently showed o...

Be The Mother of Dragon Kites

I’m glad that dragons don’t exist; not only because they breathe fire and eat men either. There’s the bit no one thinks about. What if a dragon shat on your car? Bird poo is bad enough, but a giant dragon would certainly crush your ride with its enormous poops. I’m not even sure insurance would cover that.

If you want a giant flying dragon that won’t poo on your car, this is the ticket.

It’s a 10-foot wingspan dragon kite made from ripstop polyester and printed in very bright colors. It has string anchored to legs, chest, and abdomen that ends in a 50-pound test polyester control line. The tips of the wings and tail have purple streamers for stability, and to look cool while flying.

You can fly said dragon to 500-feet high whilst wearing your favorite blond wig. Sadly, you can’t ride it. The 10-foot Dragon Kite will set you back $129.95 at Hammacher Schlemmer, home to all things unnecessary.