A Coloring Book For Big Kids

A Coloring Book For Big Kids
Coloring is a lot of fun. It’s also quite therapeutic. Since I’m terrible at coloring nicely, I prefer the books with extra large designs to fill in. If I was any good, I might appreciate Outside The Lines. It includes pages filled by over 100 of today’s creatives including graphic artists, cartoonists, and street artists. [...]
Visit IncredibleThings.com for the full post.

6 Weird Animal Facts

6 Weird Animal Facts
In a series called Nature is Magical, artist ChaosLife illustrates six super fascinating animal facts. Well, with the exception of the last one, which is that flamingoes exist and I already knew that. I’m not a gentleman or a scholar (I’m a female and a dum-dum) but I know what’s up with flamingoes. I feel [...]
Visit IncredibleThings.com for the full post.

Cartoon Characters All Grown Up

Artist and Tumblr-er Celeste Pille imagines popular cartoon characters from the 90s as grown ups. Her illustrations cover Pepper Ann, all the Rugrats, Hey Arnold!, even the students from The Magic School Bus. Unfortunately, I didn’t see any Doug or Captain Planet, but I’m not one to complain. Actually I am one to complain, but never one to do anything about it. I’m basically all that’s wrong in the world!











Draw On Me Chalkboard Car

You can cover pretty much anything in chalkboard paint, and it’s clear, because it seems nearly every hip home, store or restaurant has a wall featuring chalk messages and art. But did you ever think about bringing joy to perfect strangers by painting your car with a few gallons of chalkboard paint? Armed with a Drawonme vanity license plate, NY artist Phillip Romano did just that. His 2004 Hyundai is a chalkboard on wheels, and it’s encouraging folks all over the city to take a moment out of their busy days to doodle. Way to go Phillip!



Kids’ Drawings Made Into Real Furniture

The Children’s Furniture Project is a collaboration between artists Jack Beveridge and Joshua Lake. They asked a class of 7 and 8 year olds to draw a chair. Now they’re making the drawings into real life furniture. So far they’ve made two: a red and yellow rocker with a little fish bowl attached and a red and green Dennis Deniss The Menace rollie chair. Below you can see the whole set of drawings which will also be built. They… are pretty impressive. Definitely far better than I could have managed. Not that would come to a shock to anyone. Including me. I know my limits!


Mom Draws Pics On Her Sons’ Napkins

Nina Levy is an artist. She’s also a cool mom. NOT one of those ‘cool moms’ who flirts with the guy you like, but the kind of cool mom that does thoughtful things like drawing amazing artwork on napkins and packs them along with your lunch. You can see all of the napkins Nina’s made on her blog Daily Napkins. She’s created them over the past 6 years, racking up 2,000+ pieces of art. The lucky recipients? Her sons Archer and Ansel. I hope you kids realize how lucky you are! My mom is one of those other kind of ‘cool moms’. The only notes she ever sent in my lunch box was intended for me to pass along to the cute boys in my class. Sure it was super traumatic at the time, but now I can look back on it and laaaauuuugh and laugh and laugh. Because if you don’t laugh, you cry. That’s something I’ve learned in my years of therapy!






A Titillating Coloring Book For Adults

Get it? Titillating? Like tits? Yeah, I’m totally with you — I wish I came up with it myself, too. Color My Boobs! is a coloring book for adults. Orrrr 13 year old boys who are grounded from the internet, but still need their boobie fix. The product site says that the book features varieties representing every shape and size of breasticle you can imagine. And I KNOW you can imagine all kinds because you’re a total perv. They’ve got em all, from perky plastic fakers to bouncy natural ones, from itty bitty titties to tig ole bitties. But hopefully no sloppy jaloppies. Those… would just make coloring depressing. And if there’s one thing coloring should never be, it’s depressing. Also, outside the lines.

Smexy Coloring Books For Adults

This is a series of coloring books by Etsy artist ScarletTentacle. She got Cowboys and Beefcakes, both of which are full of a bunch of hunks, while the Burlesque, Pin Up, Girls on Bikes, and Bettie Page books are full of scantily clad ladies. There’s even a Christmas themed one. Daaaayum Mrs. Claus, you be krinky as all hell! Clearly these coloring books are for mature adults only. So… I guess that means NOT you and me. C’mon, I’ll try and stay inside the lines! Also, to not giggle uncontrollably when I’m coloring in the nips. No promises, but I’ll try.





Draw Sculptures With A 3D Printing Pen

3D printing is old news. The kids these days are 3D drawing. (Apparently.) The 3Doodler pen doesn’t require any knowledge of 3D modeling software or an expensive 3D printer. All you need is some level of artistic ability, a few spools of ABS or PLA plastic, and the pen itself. It works on surfaces or in the air, adding another dimension to all of your doodles. The other dimension being depth, not like time or dimension X or whatever. But you could use it to 3D draw Krang from dimension X, and it would take a lot of time, so actually those work too.




Artist Uses Refrigerator As A Canvas

Every Friday artist Charlie Layton draws awesome stuff on his freezer door in a series he calls “Random Renderings On a Refridgerator.” Just kidding, it’s called “Freezer Friday,” which is a much better name than mine. Layton realized that the surface of his freezer is essentially just a dry-erase board, inspiring him to draw random pictures on it. Sometimes the artwork is fridge or freezer inspired featuring stuff like ice cream and frozen fish sticks. The artwork also includes awesome stuff like ninjas, dinosaurs, and Yoda playing Jenga with Darth Vader. Check out his tumblr blog to see more Freezer Friday drawings.