Clever New Refrigerator Keeps Food Cold Sans Electricity

WindChill Refrigerator Unit Uses No ElectricityFor the roughly 1.3 billion people around the globe who are currently living without electricity, a traditional refrigerator is not an option. Now, a team of students from the University of Calgary has developed a refrigeration unit for storing perishables without the need for a power source.

Wearable Solar Innovation: Parka Offers Shelter, Comfort and Energy

Solar ParkaThe latest addition to the Pauline van Dongen wearable solar family is a very special parka that thrives amid nature's often harsh elements. Read on to learn more about this innovative Dutch desinger and her amazing creations.

Biogas Backpack Provides Means Of Transporting Affordable Alternative Energy

Biogas Backpack for the Transportation of Affordable Alternative EnergyNow that biogas has become more prevalent, scientists, environmentalists and industry leaders are looking for more ways to introduce it to poor rural areas. The problem for a lot of people in small towns and villages, where the main means of transportation is still by foot, is getting it home.

New ‘Moon Parka’ Made From Artificial Spider Silk

Artificial Spider Silk Used for New 'Moon Parka' by SpiberJapanese startup Spiber and the company behind The North Face products, Goldwin, have teamed up to create a prototype jacket they're calling the Moon Parka. It's cold-weather gear whose outer shell is made entirely from synthetic spider silk called QMONOS, courtesy of Spiber.