Real Dead Giant Murder Hornets for Sale

Want to own your own giant murder hornet (Vespa mandarinia) as a memento to remember 2020 by? Well, you’re in luck, because BicBugs has got some very nice specimens available. Sold with their wings spread, they’re available either unmounted ($47), or pinned and framed ($59), and are sure to be one of this Christmas’s must-have gifts.

Just look at that beast! What was Mother Nature thinking when she created these things? Some human must have really upset her, and we should probably find that person and make them apologize before she decides to develop murder versions of everything and makes going outside a deadly proposition.

So once a murder hornet is dead it can’t still sting, right? Like even if you touch its stinger in a panic? Asking for a friend who plans on placing one on his wife’s shoulder when she least expects it.

[via This Is Why I’m Broke]

Freaky Baby Monster Dolls Will Make You Never Want to Have Kids

If there’s one thing that’s for sure, it’s that you can find some really odd stuff if you dig around deep enough over on Etsy. For instance, while I was searching for some zombie-related items, I came across this monstrosity.

zombie baby

These creeptastic, realistic baby dolls are made by Washington state artist Bean Shanine of The Twisted Beanstalk Nursery, and they’re sure to give you some freaky dreams if you so much as look into their dead eyes. In addition to the “reborn” zombie baby above, you can also find in her shop a Twilight vampire baby, complete with fangs and red eyes.

vampire baby

vampire baby 2

If you’re into this kind of freaky stuff, then you can “adopt” one of these babies over on Etsy for about $650(USD). Oh, and be sure to buy some formula to feed it with. Be sure to check out more of Bean’s creepy babiesĀ over on her website.