This Guy Has the Biggest Doctor Who Collection Ever

You have to be a super fan to amass the largest Doctor Who collection in the world. 2014 record holder Ian O’Brien is that kind of fan. Just look at how many Daleks he has on his shelf alone. Seeing that many Daleks would make the Doctor wet himself.

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In fact, O’Brien got his first toy Dalek in 1974 and his collection just expanded from there, to include over 1,573 pieces of Doctor Who collectibles, media and memorabilia. He is basically an honorary Time Lord. And to hold that many collectibles, his house must be bigger on the inside right?

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Don’t stop now, Ian. There are more cool Doctor Who toys being released all the time.

[Toybox via Nerd Approved]

Danish Guy Sets World Record for Longest Usable Golf Club

Golf is all about improving your game each time. It’s not a fast and wild sport and it isn’t about who has the biggest club. Or is it?

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Apparently, it is now. Danish golfer Karsten Maas has set a new Guinness World Record for the “Longest Usable Golf Club.” It measures an impressive 14′ 5″ and it can hit a ball over 540 feet. In this video you can see Maas demonstrating his technique:

It’s so long that while in the golf cart, the guy has to carry it like a jousting weapon. Good thing nobody else has one of these, otherwise golfers might start jousting and getting out of hand.

[via Laughing Squid]

Guy Sets the World Record For Most Consecutive Pinky Pull-Ups

Man, I watch this video and I can’t manage to convince myself that it is real. This guy is amazing. Even doing one pinky pull-up would be amazing. My pinkies are weak. About the only exercise they get is when they are extended when I’m drinking tea.

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Maibam Itomba Meitei of India is now in the Guinness Book of World Records after performing 16 consecutive pull-ups using his pinkies on March 15th, 2014. In under 30 seconds too. This guy trained for 14 years to accomplish this. That is some serious dedication.

This guy could probably kill with his pinky if he wanted to. This is just crazy.

[via Laughing Squid]

Chinese Boy is a Guinness Record Breaker for Youngest Pilot

He Yide is a child prodigy hailing from China. The five year old has been rigorously trained by his father in various disciplines. The small wonder has already broken the barrier for rolling in...