Ex-Boyfriend Revenge Kit

Ex-Boyfriend Revenge Kit
This is the Ex Boyfriend Revenge Kit by Her Royal Flyness. It includes a leather tote, some rope, bondage tape, pliers, a mini crowbar, some brass knuckles, a syringe with amytal sodiam (aka Truth serum), a balaclava, and soft leather gloves. All of which are TEAL, the color of a woman scorned. Unfortunately, the kit’s [...]
Visit IncredibleThings.com for the full post.

Awesome Animal Handbags

Awesome Animal Handbags
Etsy artist Ben Tsang is selling a collection of some amazing Animal Handbags. He’s got totes, purses, and clothes featuring the faces of animals. Choose from different colored cats, various dog breeds, an owl, or a raccoon, if you’re mega weird. Personally, I’m really feline that cat purrrse. I basically need it right meow! Actually, [...]
Visit IncredibleThings.com for the full post.

Cluck Clucktch! The Original Chicken Handbag

Except no substitutes, this clucktch is the original Chicken Handbag—or should I say henbag? No, I probably shouldn’t. I’d love to take credit for these terrible chicken puns, but they’re all courtesy of the fowlks over at Fireboks who also describe this bag as roomy, sturdy and… sexy? Sure, why not? That’s not the only questionable part of their product description—they also have this to say:

You’ll be sure to fly up the social pecking order. All the chicken heads will be shell shocked.

Ummm, I’m not sure they know what that term means. This is chickenhawkward…


Handbags Made Out Of LEGO Bricks

Etsy shop agabag is selling a collection of LEGO Handbags. They’re made by Agnieszka Biernacka who sews the bricks together and lines the bag with satin. Ooh, one of these clutches would pair nicely with those LEGO Stilletos we saw last week! I mean, I’m assuming. But don’t take my word for it! I don’t know anything about fashion. Except um, well, let’s see here… Nope! I got nothing.



Big Dog Purse For Toting Beethoven

Little dogs get toted around in little purses and get to go to all the posh shops and fancy boutiques. But what about big dogs? They gotta stay couped up at the house where they’re forced to destroy the furniture because life isn’t fair. Until now! This is video showing off the Big Dog Purse by Carmichael Collective of Censorship Towel, Urinal Cake Cakes, and Bug Memorial fame. The vid shows off a well dress lady pulling around her giant-ass dog in the Big Dog Purse. She gets a lot of stares and side eyes from employees and onlookers alike. And I can totally understand why! But why am I getting stares and side eyes? Omg, is it because the back of my skirt is tucked into my underwear again? Say it aint so!

Tasty or Tasteless? Meat Handbags and Shoes

Fashion comes in many forms and styles. Sometimes you can see yourself wearing or using it, while other times it’ll just leave you wondering why the designer created it in the first place. When it comes to the pieces in “Burden of Excess” created by artist Andrea Hasler, I find myself gravitating towards the latter. What about you?

It’s basically a set of handbags, footwear, and accessories that look like they were crafted from raw meat.

Meat Handbag

For obvious reasons, they remind me of Lady Gaga.

The big difference is that Andrea didn’t use real meat with her creations. She used a special wax instead that resembles the appearance of meat, although the texture would most likely be different. This makes sense, since everything would spoil in a matter of hours had she used actual meat.

Meat Handbag1

You might be wondering why such an unusual series is dubbed as “Burdens of Excess.” That can be easily explained by Andrea’s goal and motivation behind the collection, which was supposedly about making a statement against consumerism. I personally don’t see the connection, but maybe you can.

Meat Handbag2

Would you wear this stuff? Nah, I didn’t think so, either.

[via Incredible Things]

Tasteful Fashion: Meat Handbags & Accessories

Burdens of Excess is a series of handbags, shoes and accessories made by artist Andrea Hasler. All the pieces look like they’re made out of meat. I mean, they’re not actually meat, it’s a special type of wax. But it looks enough like real meat to make me lose my lunch hungry. Andrea’s collection is meant to be a statement about consumerism and stuff. Unfortunately I can’t get the image of a lady digging through her meat sack looking for a stick of gum out of my head. That… is pretty much all I got out of this. And let me tell you, it is pretty hilarious. Just try it. See? LOLsville, Population: you.

