The pulsing ‘Hotline Miami’ soundtrack gets physical

Hotline Miami and its sequel Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number have two of the best soundtracks in all of gaming. But for whatever reason, until now there hasn't been a way to get a physical version of the first game's pulsing, futuristic score. As of th...

Video game tie-ins shouldn’t feel ‘cheap’

It used to be that if you loved a video game, your options for showing it beyond buying the cartridge or disc were pretty limited. Now there's a whole cottage industry for gaming fandom. Want a rad vinyl soundtrack for a hyper-violent indie game? Say...

Spend the weekend making ‘Hotline Miami 2’ levels

Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number is about to get even more wild. The beta is live for the official Hotline Miami 2 level editor, meaning PC players can now create their own top-down mazes of murder. The beta is available via Steam for PC only at the mom...

‘Hotline Miami’ sale benefits the artists behind those wild soundtracks

Hotline Miami and Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number are both dense, addictive and brutal -- and a lot of those adjectives come courtesy of the games' soundtracks. In recognition of this musical magnificence, Dennaton Games is holding a sale this weeken...