Friendly Stationery!

Gwen_아트보드 편집

The Pen’s mightier than the sword. Add an elastic band to it and you’ve got yourself a superpen! Use it to make any notebook a moleskine-esque diary. Named Hug, this pen warmly embraces notebooks and other pieces of stationery.

We guarantee you won’t be able to get your hands to stop playing around with the Hug Pen!

Designers: Jimin Lee & Jaehoon Yu.

Gwen_아트보드 편집

Gwen_아트보드 편집

Gwen_아트보드 편집

Watch This Ways

My watch is mine, and if you try peeking into it, you probably won’t be able to read the time. However if I wear the Followatch, you will be able to see the time correctly, with the dial facing towards you! Followatch always stands upright because it rotates freely thanks to the center of gravity. Awesome idea for sharing time!

Designers: Jaehoon Yu, Jin hyck Kim, Hwa jeong Yeo, Eun seng Jeun & Pyeong Deung Lee

Yanko Design
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(Watch This Ways was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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