Fire Emblem Engagement Ring Box: A Token of S-Support

When Redditor PrionBacon and his fiancée met for the first time, the turn-based strategy series Fire Emblem proved to be their icebreaker. So for his proposal, he decided to present the engagement ring in a jewelry box that looks like the Fire Emblem, or at least the version that’s in the Nintendo 3DS game Fire Emblem: Awakening.

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PrionBacon designed and assembled the jewelry box all by himself. He 3D printed the box out of ABS plastic and used acrylic balls for the gems. He also placed an old smartphone in the box to display a Photoshopped screenshot from Fire Emblem: Awakening. The image depicts him and his girlfriend as characters who have achieved S-Support, the game’s highest support rank and the requisite condition for characters to become married. Finally, he made a cradle for the ring in the shape of the Nintendo 3DS A button.

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Pair up with your browser and head to PrionBacon’s Imgur gallery for more in-progress shots of his jewelry box. Congrats guys! May your children inherit your best skills and not be destroyed by Grima.

[via Reddit]

Keep Your Precious in a TARDIS Jewelry Box

If you’re looking for a place to store the various bits of jewelry you’ve amassed traveling through space and time, then look no further than this TARDIS Jewelry Box.

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While it doesn’t contain a huge control room inside, its numerous drawers and storage areas sure make it seem bigger on the inside. It’s even got a little mirror in there so you can admire your devilish good looks.

It’s too bad that it’s just made out of thick, coated cardboard instead of something a bit more substantial. Still, the TARDIS Jewelry Box is way cheaper than an actual TARDIS.

Just open up a vortex to Entertainment Earth, and you can buy one for $32.99(USD).

I Wish This TARDIS Jewelry Box Could Hold Infinite Treasures

Store your jewelry and other treasures in the geekiest way possible: in this TARDIS jewelry box. While its space is virtually infinite in Doctor Who’s realm, that doesn’t apply to the TARDIS recreations on Earth. But even though we all have to deal with finite space and compartments, I’m sure this will be more than enough for whatever you want to store inside it.

TARDIS Jewelry BoxIt might look like a huge drawer in the pictures, but it only measures about 7 1/2 inches tall, while it’s 5 inches wide, and 2 3/4 inches deep.

Some people prefer jewelry boxes that only have one major compartment, but I like the fact that this one has six. This way, I can segregate my jewelry and accessories by category into the different drawers.

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This particular TARDIS jewelry box is already, unfortunately, all sold out, but you can contact Destry over at pzcreations22 on Etsy to see if she can make another one for you.

[via Incredible Things]