Toyota’s latest self-driving car is more aware of its surroundings

Toyota barely unveiled its second-generation self-driving testbed half a year ago, but it's already back with an update. The automaker is showing off a Platform 2.1 research vehicle that has made some big technology strides... including some unusual...

Lexus’ autonomous Advanced Active Safety Research Vehicle and why we’re not ready for self-driving cars

Lexus' autonomous Advanced Active Safety Research Vehicle and why we're not ready for selfdriving cars

Self-driving cars aren't just the future, they're the present. Sort of. They're out there, but you can't buy one just yet. Google of course has made waves with its driverless car and not too long ago Nissan impressed us at CEATEC with its self-driving NSC-2015. Toyota, perhaps feeling a little left out, has taken to CES to show off the Lexus Advanced Active Safety Research Vehicle, a machine capable of self-driving that, regardless, is still quite reliant on a fleshbag driver behind the wheel. Join us after the break for an explanation.

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