Samsung Darth Vader and Stormtrooper Robot Vacuum Cleaners: Suck! Suck! Suck!

Have you ever wondered how they keep things so clean on the Death Star? Well it turns out those little droids running around the floor of the place are little vacuum cleaners. At least that’s what I’ve been told. For those of you who want your floors as spotless as the Empire’s, check out these fun new vacuum cleaners from Samsung.

The POWERbot VR7000 Star Wars limited edition vacuum comes in Darth Vader and Stormtrooper versions, both of which look so much cooler than ordinary robot vacuum cleaners. In addition to keeping floors clean, they both make sound effects from the movies.

In addition to looking awesome, they’re pretty sophisticated robotic vacuums, offering high suction with clog resistance, and capable of mapping out the ideal path around your room to cover every inch, right up to the corners and along the edges of the wall.

Both vacuums are available for pre-order now from the Samsung website, with the Darth Vader version selling for $799(USD), and the stormtrooper going for $699. The $100 price premium for Vader seems excessive to me, but I guess they’re just taking advantage of the laws of supply and demand. Maybe you can Force choke Samsung into giving you a better deal.

Also, whenever I think of a vacuum being run by guy in a dark helmet, Mega Maid comes to mind…

[via Laughing Squid]