ToysRUs Stores Closing Sales Postponed According to TRU Store Signs

Early this morning we feature a Washington Post story where Amy von Walter, EVP, Global Communications, Philanthropy and Customer Care at ToysRUs confirmed that the ToysRUs store closing sales begin...

ToysRUs Stores Closing Sales Postponed According to TRU Store Signs

Early this morning we feature a Washington Post story where Amy von Walter, EVP, Global Communications, Philanthropy and Customer Care at ToysRUs confirmed that the ToysRUs store closing sales begin...

These Pac-Man Vintage Marquee Lights Are Driving Me Crazy

Looking for a truly unique piece of videogame art to hang on your wall? Artist Enriqve Aranacci has got you covered with these awesome handmade lights which incorporate traditional lighted signmaking techniques. While he makes all kinds of awesome designs, these two Pac-Man inspired ones are my personal favorites.

The Union Pier, Michigan artist creates each of his illuminated signs using wood, bent metal, and tons of individual light bulbs. They have a great vintage look, and I’d be happy to have either of them hanging on the wall in my home arcade.

Since there’s a ton of work that goes into making each piece, they’re not exactly cheap though. The larger image with Pac-Man, the cherries, and all four ghosts is going for $3,000. The smaller one with Blinky and Pac-Man only is $800. You can check out these and all of Aranacci’s awesome handmade designs over at his Etsy shop.