Fox is Bringing Back The X-Files!

Anyone who watched TV in the ’90s will remember The X-Files. That was a fantastic show and was one of the most popular on TV. Many fans were bummed when the show left the air. The creators tried to take the franchise to the theater, but that didn’t work out too well.

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If you recall back in January, I mentioned that rumors were that Fox wanted to bring the show back to TV. It turns out those rumors were true with reports now indicating that David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson will be returning to Fox to reprise the series.

Chris Carter will also be returning to the show. Fox has reportedly ordered six new episodes of the show and production is set to begin this summer. We don’t know when the show will actually hit the network. We also don’t know how the new show will fit into the timeline of the old series.

[via Kotaku]

X-Files comes back to Fox with David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson

It has been 13 years that geeks have gathered in front of TVs each week to watch David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson hunt aliens. Thirteen years after the original series run FOX has announced...

Fox Executives Want to Bring Back The X-Files: I Want to Believe!

It’s been seven years now since we last stepped into the X-Files universe. I loved the series when it was on TV, but didn’t like the movies much. I’d wager many felt the same way and that is why we never saw another X-Files movie after 2008. Fox TV executives Dana Walden and Gary Newman recently said they want to bring the show back to TV.

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The show wouldn’t be a remake mind you; it would have the original Scully and Mulder- Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny. The Fox execs made it clear they wanted the show back at some point at the Television Critics Association winter press tour.

“Gary and I both worked [at 20th Century Fox Television] through the entire run of The X Files. It was a great experience. We’ve maintained good relationships with Chris, David, and Gillian. We’re very hopeful, but it’s hard. The actors are very busy. They have a lot going on. Chris has a lot on his plate, so it’s just trying to carve out the time,” said Walden.

Newman said, “It’s true that we’ve had some conversations on X-Files,” Newman said. “We’re hopeful of being able to bring that back at some point.

How awesome would it be to get The X-Files back on the air after all these years?

[via Nerd Approved]

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Gillian Anderson and David Duchonvy Remember The X-Files

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