Kids Play Star Wars Music w/ Lightsabers

This is music school done right. How do you do music school right? Well, the answer is simple. Star Wars, nothing but Star Wars. You have to check out these videos of children from Quebec’s Ecole de l’Harmonie (School of Harmony) and École secondaire de La Seigneurie playing a bunch of Star Wars music on their violins… with lightsaber bows no less. So, does a lightsaber fight break out after the song? Read on and find out.

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No, no lightsaber fights break out. I just said that because I’m mean. Anyway, these videos from the Canadian premiere of The Force Awakens last winter are proof that lightsabers can be used for more than just killing other people. This is the true Jedi way. Make music, not war.

The control and discipline they display as they try to not to slice their instruments in half is amazing.

[via Geekologie]

Skull Electric Violin

skull violin 650x560 Skull Electric Violin
Check out this badass electric violin shaped like a skull. The Stratton Skull 5-string Electric Violin retails for $2999. Obviously someone is making a killing on that. Make no bones about it, this violin is cool. This a seriously killer instrument with a Barbera Twin Hybrid transducer system for a strong output signal with a rich focused tone suited for high-volume performances with high-gain effects. And no I don’t know what all that means either.

(via neatorama)

Skull Electric Violin