Zerg Overlord Plushie: Hug of the Swarm

A few months ago we saw a couple of pillow cases that would be right at home in Aiur. This stuffed toy on the other hand is for those who are loyal to the Swarm. It’s a plush toy of the Zerg Overlord based on its apperance in StarCraft. You won’t be able to spawn more stuffted toys until you get one.

zerg overlord plush toy by arixystix

This huggable bundle of claws and neurons is from Etsy shop arixystix. Sadly, it’s going to take you a while to sew more Overlords. For one thing, the shop wasn’t selling the toy itself, just a sewing pattern for the toy. For another, the pattern is currently sold out. Or whatever the equivalent of that is in digital terms.

zerg overlord plush toy by arixystix 2

There, there. The Overlord knows exactly how you feel.

[via ThisIsWhyImBroke]

WolframAlpha StarCraft Easter Egg: Math of the Swarm

Alex Wilhelm of The Next Web found this neat Easter Egg on WolframAlpha, the nerdy cousin of Google’s search engine. If you type the phrase “zerg-like curve” into its search field, WolframAlpha will crunch some numbers and generate this parametric graph:

starcraft zerg like curve by wolfram alpha

It’s a Zergling! WolframAlpha even dishes out a very long parametric equation that the graph supposedly represents. Eager to score a scoop as well, I typed in “terran-like curve” – this is how you become an investigative journalist folks, lateral thinking – and got this:

bono curve by wolfram alpha

I didn’t make that up. You know how good I am at Photoshop. Terrans, I guess U2, are Bono. To be fair, the man who can’t count to four also appears if you type in “protoss-like curve.” Go on, try it yourself.

[WolframAlpha via The Next Web]