Police could soon identify you by your hair proteins

Police and archaeologists regularly depend on DNA evidence for identification, but it has a serious flaw. DNA degrades under environmental conditions like heat and light, so it may be useless even if you have a ton of samples. However, Lawrence Live...

Police could soon identify you by your hair proteins

Police and archaeologists regularly depend on DNA evidence for identification, but it has a serious flaw. DNA degrades under environmental conditions like heat and light, so it may be useless even if you have a ton of samples. However, Lawrence Live...

The next wave of AI is rooted in human culture and history

Understanding humans is essential to the design and experience of a technology. For decades, major corporations have turned to social scientists for insight into human behavior, culture and history. At Intel, Genevieve Bell, a prominent Australian an...

Modern Humans Interbred with Neanderthals

While recording the timeline of human evolution, one sees the events in a linear order rather than a sequential one. That is that it is assumed that the net pedigree of human lineage formulated after...

Eurasian ancestors used Egypt to leave Africa

Study shows that Egypt was ancient route out of Africa and into Eurasia for many non-African populations. Recent study indicates former theories were not accurate.Lead author Luca Pagani and co-...

Bill Murray did not bring George and Amal a Wedding Gift

Everyone loves Bill Murray. The Ghostbusters’ star could make anyone burst with laughter. The 64 years-old actor has a series of amazing performances in his wake and when you are that talented, you...