Tribeca Shortlist brings its movie-streaming app to Apple TV

Up until today, Tribeca Shortlist has been available on iOS, Fire TV and Roku. And now the movie-streaming service, created by the company behind the Tribeca Film Festival and Lionsgate, is expanding to the new Apple TV. The application, which requir...

New York Horizon, Horizontal Skyscraper Built Around a Sunken Central Park

Yitan Sun and Jianshi Wu propose to build 1,000-foot walls around excavated central park.New York Horizon, the first place winning design of the EVolo 2016 Skyscraper Competition by architects Yitan Sun and Jianshi Wu. ‘the ambition is to reverse the traditional relationship between landscape and architecture, in a way that every occupiable space has direct connection to the nature,’ explains Yitan Sun and Jianshi Wu."The annual award established in 2006 recognizes visionary ideas for building high- projects that through the novel novel use of technology, materials, programs, aesthetics, and spatial organizations, challenge the way we understand vertical architecture and its relationship with the natural and built environments. The FIRST PLACE was awarded to Yitan Sun and Jianshi Wu from the United States for the project New York Horizon. The design proposes a continuous horizontal skyscraper around the full perimeter of a sunken Central Park. The project would create 7 square miles (80 times greater than the Empire State Building) of housing with unobstructed views and connection to the park. "..(Read...)

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‘Batman v. Superman’ in 4DX made watching a bad movie worse

If you've ever wanted your movie-going experience to feel like an abusive amusement park ride that went on way too long, 4DX is probably for you. But after seeing Batman vs. Superman in 4DX last weekend, it's not something I'd ever want to suffer thr...

Star Wars Black Series Han Solo Action Figure Just Looks Weird

I always liked Han Solo; he has been one of my favorite characters in Star Wars since the original trilogy back in the day. I was pretty mad when they (Spoiler Alert) killed Han off in the newest film. I only let it slide because Han was seriously old. I could only think, “man he’s old” each time I saw him on film.

This Force Awakens Han Solo Black Series action figure is kind of weird though. The image on the box looks like Harrison Ford, but the face of the action figure is all wrong if you ask me.

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It’s almost like old Harrison Ford played young Han Solo in a cartoon version of The Force Awakens and they made the action figure based on that. Or, maybe this action figure is Han Solo after a round of plastic surgery and botox.

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If you absolutely must have this deformed Han Solo for your collection for the sheer novelty, you can order one from Amazon for about $24. Reviewers say the head sculpt actually looks better than it looks, but caveat emptor.

A Cool Rocking Chair That Uses Its Own Kinetic Motion to Knit a Hat

ECAL students Damien Ludi and Colin Peillex created the “Rocking-Knit“, a rocking chair use its own kinetic motion to knit a hat."Rocking-Knit is a new interpretation of the rocking chair. It offers its user productive moments of relaxation. The to-and-fro movement of this armchair knits hats for the winter and requires no exertion whatsoever. "..(Read...)

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