Mirai botnet creators plead guilty to charges over 2016 attack

The individuals behind the Mirai botnet that caused nationwide internet outages in October of last year have pleaded guilty to federal charges, ZDNet reports. Paras Jha, Josiah White and Dalton Norman were indicted by a court in Alaska earlier this m...

FTC lawsuit over D-Link’s lax router security just took a big hit

In January, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) took D-Link to court over its incredibly insufficient security. The FTC claimed that the company failed to protect its routers and IP cameras from unauthorized access, exposing them to use in botnet atta...

Justice Department attacks global spam botnet after arrest

The Kelihos botnet is a global network of infected Windows machines that is used for all manner of nefarious cybercrime. That's enough reason for the Justice Department to want to wipe the network off the face of the Earth and prosecute its creator t...

How to adult at security

You're a grown-ass adult -- so stop using the same password for everything. Seriously, your cat's name followed by your birthday isn't fooling anybody. Don't be that guy (of any gender) who gets totally owned by ransomware. Pull up your big-person pa...

Russia used a cybercriminal’s botnet for a spying campaign

It's no secret that the lines between state-sponsored hacking and cybercrime are fuzzy. After all, relying on professional crooks offers plausible deniability if the intruders are ever caught. However, it's now apparent that those lines sometimes dis...