ICYMI: Brain injury gadget, DARPA future plane and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: Samsung has jumped on the preventing-brain-injury bandwagon, developing a brainBAND to light up to indicate the severity of a hit in contact sports. Meanwhile, DARPA is designing a new airplane that is a blend betwee...

MyndPlay Helps Cool Fiery Tempers Everywhere

The saying goes that cooler heads will prevail, and that is especially true when it comes down to any kind of gaming. No matter how angry or frustrated you get, you always play better calm. The MyndPlay headset will force you to cool down, and has been use as such to staunch unwanted behavior.

myndplay neurosky mind control headset

MyndPlay is capable of reading your own state of mind, thanks to monitoring your brain’s electrical signals, and uses this feedback to control a series of computer games. Get too stressed out and you’ll fail. Stay calm, and you win. Manchester City, an English Premiership football team, is going to test headsets similar to these to cool down their hot-tempered players. They hope that this will improve their behavior on and off the football pitch because it requires users to remain calm.

myndplay neurosky mind control headset computer

MyndPlay might be able to train people to use their minds more effectively, and not to lose their cool so much. Only time will tell how useful these headsets really are. The MyndPlay Brainband is available now for £129 ($210USD) and the NeuroSky headset will be available soon for £99 ($162 USD).

myndplay neurosky mind control brainband

[via Ubergizmo]