Deadpool Toy Blows Bubbles out of His Butt

Deadpool is a snarky bastard and doesn’t mind talking about squeezing his ass into a red costume. I could definitely see Deadpool trying to blow bubbles using farts. Instructables contributor Britt Michelsen posted a step-by-step guide for turning one of those rude BUB-L Breezer toys into a Deadpool toy of farting, bubbly glory.

The base toy looks nothing like Deadpool so you have to use modeling clay, paint, primer spray, and elbow grease to make it work. You clearly need some artistic talent for this project. The instructions even teach you how to make the base toy more reliable. No one wants a Deadpool arse bubble blower that won’t blow bubbles.

The finished results are awesome, but I can’t help but wonder if you could blow bubbles with actual farts and then light the bubbles afterwards…

Deadpool Unmasked Pin Mate Wooden Figure Looks Like an Avocado’s Offspring

Deadpool definitely has a butterface, but he’s funny so that makes him an honorary “3” on the hotness scale. This wooden Pin Mate from Bif Bang Pow! features our pal Mr. Pool with his mask off.

Pin Mates are 2-inch scale collectible figures that look like those little characters that you would cram into the holes in the wooden bus as a toddler. The maskless Deadpool action figure is 16 in the series, and there are a couple of other Deadpool figures available, including a masked Deadpool, and one with an X-Force costume.

It’s backordered at Entertainment Earth right now, but should be back in stock soon.

Deadpool Beanie Will Keep Your Dome Warm While Munching on Quesadillas

Deadpool was the greatest Marvel movie I have seen so far. I really liked the flick. Sure, I’m not a “real” fan of Deadpool since I don’t read the comics, but I think Ryan Reynolds did a great job playing the Merc with a Mouth. Deadpool fans who have cold heads might want this to grab this beanie.

It looks like Deadpool’s mask and they totally missed the boat by not making it a ski mask. It has Deadpool’s eyes on it and is made from red jersey knit cotton/spandex blend. It’s no merino wool, but hey it’s got your favorite merc printed on it.

If you have a big cabeza, note that it measures 20-inches around unstretched – not that most of us have any idea how many inches around our heads are. You can get yours for $19.99(USD) at ThinkGeek and keep your dome warm all winter long.

Marvel Legends Deadpool Action Figure Includes Swords, Guns, and… a Taco?

The first thing I wonder about this Marvel Legends Deadpool action figure is why they included a taco accessory and not a chimichanga. The 6-inch action figure also comes with dual katana swords, and two faces – one being the butter face.

It also includes are dual pistols, a boxing glove bazooka, big rifle, and shotgun as well as a knife. This doesn’t look like Ryan Reynolds’ Deadpool at all, but it’s still cool.

The action figure will launch this month for $21.99(USD), and is available for pre-order from Entertainment Earth now. Be sure and play with plenty of snark.