NVIDIA’s AI fixes photos by recognizing what’s missing

Most image editing tools aren't terribly bright when you ask them to fix a photo. They'll borrow content from adjacent pixels (such as Adobe's recently demonstrated context-aware AI fill), but they can't determine what should have been there -- and...

Google made an AR microscope that can help detect cancer

In a talk given today at the American Association for Cancer Research's annual meeting, Google researchers described a prototype of an augmented reality microscope that could be used to help physicians diagnose patients. When pathologists are analyzi...

Google AI can pick out voices in a crowd

Humans are usually good at isolating a single voice in a crowd, but computers? Not so much -- just ask anyone trying to talk to a smart speaker at a house party. Google may have a surprisingly straightforward solution, however. Its researchers hav...

AI stuntpeople could lead to more realistic video games

Video game developers often turn to motion capture when they want realistic character animations. Mocap isn't very flexible, though, as it's hard to adapt a canned animation to different body shapes, unusual terrain or an interruption from another c...

NVIDIA’s Quadro GV100 GPU will power its ray tracing tech

Last week, NVIDIA unveiled its RTX real-time ray tracing technology at GDC. It has the potential to change the way artists and developers work in 3D, by letting them quickly render realistic scenes. The only downside? It was meant for video cards the...

Samsung’s new Exynos chip boosts photo-taking in mid-tier phones

Samsung's latest application processor (AP) is set to significantly improve photo-taking in mid-tier phones. The Eyxnos 7 9610 has boosted deep learning image properties, so it'll recognize faces in pictures even if they're not facing the camera, or...