ICYMI: Drawing bot, 3M’s future plan and an orb with a soul

Today on In Case You Missed It: Artist Sougwen Chung creates art with help from a robotic arm, take a tour of 3M's exhibit, which visualizes the challenges the earth will face by 2050 and finally, bask in the glow of a large orb with AI that change...

Rock the Cantina with Guitar2-D2

guitar2 d2 Rock the Cantina with Guitar2 D2
Some guy named Doug built this awesome homemade R2-D2 guitar. That’s about all we know of this guitar other than the fact that Doug is cool, the guitar is cool, everything Doug has every done is cool, anyone who knows Doug is cool, anyone who knows someone else named Doug is cool, air conditioning is cool, Doug is superior to everyone and I’m offering Doug $50 for this guitar right on the spot right here right now.
guitar2d2 Rock the Cantina with Guitar2 D2
$50 is too cheap for this guitar? How about $100 Doug? Come on, whaddya say? Ok apparently Doug is also very smart. How about now, Doug? Now? $125? Ok, final offer $135 cold hard cash.

(via geekologie)

Rock the Cantina with Guitar2-D2