This Hedgehog Isn’t Sonic, but He’s Still the Bomb

Look at this awesome creature. This real hedgehog is escaping some sort of explosion, and he’s in legit “no f*cks given” mode. He isn’t even running. He didn’t even blink. Something’s blowing up… whatevs.

Cool hedgehogs don’t look at explosions

I suspect maybe the hedgehog blew up something back there. Maybe he set fire to Sega HQ for improperly depicting hedgehogs for generations. Maybe he got into the trash and ate some old chili, we may never know.

Actually we do. Here’s the original video before some mad genius edited it:

Just a Little Hedgehog Enjoying Life on a Sunny Day

Hedgehogs are kind of cute, though he looks a bit like he would use that cuteness to lure you in and then bite out your eyes, the smug adorable little bastard he is. I bet this hedgehog gets laid way more than you do. You could never be this cool.

[via Nerd Approved]

The post This Hedgehog Isn’t Sonic, but He’s Still the Bomb appeared first on Technabob.

Watch Different Fuels Ignite Inside a See Through Combustion Engine

At some point or another we have all imagined what the explosion inside of a combustion engine looks like. That’s because engines are fascinating, and you unfortunately can’t see inside of them while this is happening. Well, now you can see for yourself. Warped Perception filmed different fuels igniting in slow-motion inside of a see-through combustion engine.

With a see-through glass head on a Briggs and Stratton Internal Combustion Engine and slow-motion and 4K slow-motion video, we get to see the whole process. You can watch gasoline, rubbing alcohol, and acetylene each run through the engine with your very own eyes.

You really get a sense of how powerful the explosions are as each ignites and you see the flames swirl like a vicious tornado. It’s fascinating to see how the different fuels burn differently. Some are lazier, others definitely more fiery.

[via reddit via Laughing Squid]

Smart body armor could gauge brain damage from explosions

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Facebook Safety Check erroneously says a bomb exploded in Bangkok (updated)

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