Firefighting PyroLance Can Cut Through Steel to Extinguish Blazes

Firefighters are always looking for better and safer ways to put out fires, and these days some of the things that they come up with are seriously impressive. PyroLance is a new firefighting tool that is all about putting out fires in enclosed or inaccessible spaces.

Now, normally when you open a door, a window or even make a small hole in a wall that has an enclosed fire on the other side, the oxygen rushes in and you get a backdraft. The PyroLance solves this problem. This baby can cut through steel with an ultra-high pressure stream of water and extinguish an enclosed fire through the small hole it creates, and it does this without providing the fire with any more oxygen for fuel. It gets bonus points for looking like an assault rifle.

PyroLance uses less than 20 gallons of water to do its job and takes less than 15 seconds to use. All it took to put this fire out was to make a 3 mm hole in the steel plate from the outside. This is a very impressive tool that is no doubt going to keep many firefighters alive in tough situations.

[via Geekologie]

Prime Day 2018 Deals at Amazon Deutschland are on Sale

The Prime Day 2018 kicked off at (Amazon Deutschland), an hour ahead of the Amazon UK Prime Day 2018. The Germans get some great deals on Amazon's own devices that are better than in the...

Prime Day 2018 Deals at Amazon Deutschland are on Sale

The Prime Day 2018 kicked off at (Amazon Deutschland), an hour ahead of the Amazon UK Prime Day 2018. The Germans get some great deals on Amazon's own devices that are better than in the...

Firefighting Robot Inspired by a Fire-breathing Dragon, but Breathes Water Instead

Leave it to Japan to come up with a firefighting robot that looks like a dragon. This is actually a very clever idea. If you are building a robot to fight fires, you might as well use the water that you are fighting fires with to propel your robot and move it around.

The Dragon firefighting robot was built by Professor Satoshi Tadokoro, and his team at Tohoku University and the National Institute of Technology. Their robot is raised by the same directional jets of water that are used to stop the fire.It also uses these jets of water to steer, moving the dragon’s head by firing water jets at different angles.

That all means that firefighters don’t have to lug the hose around themselves, and that the robot can get to the fire quickly on its own.

I’m not sure how effective this would actually be at putting out fires, but it is a cool idea. The main idea is that you would attach it to the end of a ladder or crane and let it explore a building that is on fire so that no humans have to step inside and get hurt.

[via Hackaday]

Firestarter Matches Burn for up to 10 Minutes

You’ve all seen this in movies and maybe even had it happen to you in real life. You’re in a dark cave or trapped in a dark room. So you light a match. It lasts for about 5 seconds and then burns your finger and the light goes out. Now you have burnt fingers and you are still in the dark. Your matches have done you no good at all.

These Trailblazer Fire Starter Sticks light like a regular match, but they can burn for up to 10 minutes since they’re made from compressed wood. This could be handy in the situation that I just outlined, but really they’re designed to give you time to get a fire started for one thing because we are not all Cub Scouts with all of our badges earned.

These are perfect for camping or to keep stowed away somewhere in case of an emergency. They are much more dependable than regular matches and you don’t have to rush to get the job done. They’re just $6 for a box of 40 over at Budk.

[via The Awesomer via Geekologie]

Colin Furze Builds Alexa Voice-activated Flamethrower

Madman builder Colin Furze continues to add to his arsenal of dangerous playthings. This time, he designed and built Alexa voice-activated flamethrower. This guy never stops building insane things that could put him in the hospital. Or worse. I guess we can all vicariously live through him so that we don’t have to face the danger.

To be honest, this thing less of a flamethrower and more of a jet flames downward situation. If your coffee machine switched from dripping coffee down into your cup to shooting fire down into it, this is what it would look like – minus the visit from the fire department. You can skip to 7:30 in the video if you just want to see the thing in action and don’t care about how he built it.

Also, I just want to say, you shouldn’t ever give Alexa fire. I mean, one minute you’re playing the Talking Heads’ “Burning down the House” and the next your house is burning. Not cool, Alexa. Not cool at all.

[via Laughing Squid via Geekologie]