gdgt’s best deals for July 15: Samsung 24-inch 1080p HDTV, ASUS Nexus 7

Ready to save some cash on your tech buys? Then you've come to the right place. Our sister site gdgt tracks price drops on thousands of products every day, and twice a week they feature some of the best deals they've found right here. But act fast! Many of these are limited-time offers, and won't last long.

gdgt deals

Today's hottest deals include a dirt-cheap, dorm-ready 24-inch Samsung HDTV and a low price on an ASUS Nexus 7. It's also worth noting that the Kindle Fire HD, which we've featured before, has hit a new low at $159.99 at Best Buy, where it's available for in-store purchase only. Want the latest deals delivered to your inbox? Join gdgt and add the gadgets you're shopping for to your "Want" list. Every time there's a price cut, you'll get an email alert!


Custom PlayStation 3s for Sony’s Friends: It Only Does Sweet Casemods

The very talented case modder Javier Riquelme customized several PlayStation 3 consoles for Sony, who in turn gave them as gifts to its partner developers and publishers. With the exception of what seems to be Javier’s trademark flourish, each console looks radically different and suited to its theme. This dude is for real.

playstation 3 casemod 1 borderlands by jriquelme

As I said, each casemod is unique; if someone told me that the Borderlands-themed PS3 was made by someone from Gearbox Software while the Metal Gear Rising one was made by a cyborg ninja from Kojima’s lair I would have believed that. But Javier does like adding thick letters with LEDs that contrast nicely with the rest of the sweet art on the surface of the console.

playstation 3 casemod 2 bioshock infinite by jriquelme 300x250 playstation 3 casemod 3 call of duty black ops ii by jriquelme 300x250 playstation 3 casemod 4 metal gear rising by jriquelme 300x250 playstation 3 casemod 5 bungie destiny by jriquelme 300x250 playstation 3 casemod 6 grand theft auto v by jriquelme 300x250 playstation 3 casemod 7 assassins creed 3 by jriquelme 300x250

All of these look awesome, but I want to shake Javier’s hand just for the Assassin’s Creed casemod. I don’t even like that franchise and I want the console. You can see more shots of Javier’s work on his Imgur gallery, on his Twitter page and on his Facebook page.

[via Reddit]

Call of Duty: Ghosts Leaks

Call of Duty is one of the biggest video game franchises. Now out of nowhere the next installment of Call of Duty leaked. Call of Duty: Ghosts will be the title of the next COD game. According to...

Rockstar Delays Grand Theft Auto V Launch

If you’re one of the legions of Grand Theft Auto fans who has been anxiously waiting for the Spring to roll around for the next game in the franchise, disappointment time is here. Rockstar has announced that Grand Theft Auto V has been delayed.

gta vtb

While the game was originally slated for this Spring, Rockstar has now announced that the game will be available for the Xbox 360 and the PS3 on September 17, 2013. That means you have to go all Summer finding some other way to blow up, shoot up and beat things up.

Rockstar says the significant delay of the game is to allow for more development time – so the game better not be buggy when it finally ships.

Rockstar Crushes Gamer Dreams by Delaying Grand Theft Auto V Launch

Gamers all around the country and all around the world have been looking forward to the promised springtime launch for the latest videogame in the Rockstar Grand Theft Auto franchise. Rockstar...