Holy Grail of Guitars to be Auctioned Off

The Martin OM-45 Deluxe guitar was the best of the best. A limited edition, only 14 ever got made in the first place in list of holy grail of guitars. Now those guitar aficionados who want one can...

Roadie Tuner Gets That Guitar Tuned In An Instant


There are those who can quickly tune a guitar by ear, and then there are those who can’t. Fortunately for the latter group, there’s a product like the Roadie Tuner to help. It’s a small handheld device that pairs with your smartphone and automatically tunes your strings. Just place it on each peg, pluck the string in front of your phone, and it’ll do the required adjustments. You can even choose from alternate tunings, or even create your own. Also, it’ll analyze the tonal quality of your strings and alert you when it detects it might be time to change them. As a matter of fact, Roadie Tuner isn’t limited to traditional guitars; it’ll tune any stringed instrument, with any number of strings. Currently on Kickstarter, a $79 pledge will get you yours, with a delivery date of June 2014.

[ Kickstarter ] VIA [ TheAwesomer ]

Dollar Coin Guitar Pick

dollar coin guitar pick Dollar Coin Guitar Pick
This guitar pick is pure money- quite literally. The Dollar Coin Guitar pick is actually made from a $1 Sacagawea coin. Each guitar pick coin is cut and polished down into the teardrop shape needed to strum those strings. The coin looks like gold but it’s actually a manganese brass finish over a copper core. Don’t hate the guitar player, hate the game. I don’t know what that means either.

buy now Dollar Coin Guitar Pick

Dollar Coin Guitar Pick

Zombie Apocalypse Guitar

zombie guitar Zombie Apocalypse Guitar
Rock the undead and fight zombie hordes with this crazy custom guitar by Travis Stevens. This maple necked Strat style guitar has a distressed finish, bullet casings, a blood splattered pickguard, a grenade and zombies!
zombie guitar body Zombie Apocalypse Guitar
For the more guitar technical readers it also has: blocked tremolo, new active Seymour Duncan Blackout singles, shielded cavities, locking Fender tuners, mini toggle switch to activate jumpers on back of Middle and Bridge pickup (signal boost).
zombie guitar back Zombie Apocalypse Guitar
That’s some scary stuff. Yet another really cool custom made guitar from Travis (who also did the Lite Brite and Han Solo in Carbonite guitars). Kind of a Walking Dead homage there. But how does it sound? Let’s roll the videotape:

If you watch the video, he says that he’s going to sell the guitar. So we tracked down the eBay listing! Zombie Apocalypse Guitar (that link goes to ALL of his guitar listings). Starting bid if you want to buy this custom job is $749.

Zombie Apocalypse Guitar

Coin Guitar Picks Give You Tone Without Tear

The material that makes up your guitar pick affects the tone and sound the axe makes. Any player worth his salt will tell you as much. And some people will swear by the sound that using coins, or quarters as picks will give them. But they’ll also warn you that your strings will quickly suffer the wear and tear of the un-smooth edge of the coin. The above Coin Guitar Picks aim to fix that by providing the same sought-after tone of an unadulterated coin, with the silky smooth edge of a traditional pick. Ranging in price from $10 to $30, they make the perfect gift for the musician in your circles.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Uncrate ]

Lite Brite Acoustic Guitar Plays Games and Music

lite brite acoustic guitar Lite Brite Acoustic Guitar Plays Games and Music
Ever wondered what would happened if you hollowed out an old junker acoustic guitar and put a light and a Lite Brite set on top of it? Well Travis Stevens (of Han Solo in Carbonite guitar fame) did just that. It’s totally playable- both as a guitar and as a Lite Brite game.
lite brite guitar 650x284 Lite Brite Acoustic Guitar Plays Games and Music
Due to the LED interior lighting and removing much of the wood to make way for the vintage Lite Brite screens, the guitar doesn’t put out too much sound with an amplifier. But with the amp, it rocks…gently. Change up the lights to fit the songs (can you guess what songs are shown above?) You probably want to hear (and see!) this thing in action…here you go video time:

Lite Brite Acoustic Guitar Plays Games and Music

Super Mario Guitar

super mario guitar Super Mario Guitar
Itsa me, Mario guitar. The folks over at G33kd built this amazing Super Mario electric guitar. It’s handcrafted from basswood with a maple neck and ebony fingerboard. There’s even more Mario graphics along the fretboard and headstock, check it out:
mario guitar neck e1347299755259 Super Mario Guitar
The design itself is hand airbrushed.
mario guitar closeup Super Mario Guitar
The guitar uses EMG style pickups. Want to hear how it sounds? Actual playing starts at 3:00 in this video:

Well that’s either Smoke on the Water or Cat Scratch Fever- your choice, they’re the same damn song. He’s playing the Mario theme starting at 7:30, it’s pretty much mandatory with this guitar. But really, not bad. The guitar can be yours for about $1000. (via obvious winner)

Super Mario Guitar

Han Solo in Carbonite Electric Guitar

han solo guitar Han Solo in Carbonite Electric Guitar
Geeky luthier Travis Stevens has created the world’s coolest guitar ever (of the week) with his Han Solo in Carbonite Electric Guitar. While Travis does make guitars like this to sell, you’re too late as Ben Moody (Evanescence, We Are the Fallen) already bought it! Also, he’s sleeping with your girlfriend while you’re at work. Sucks for you.
han solo guitar closeup 650x433 Han Solo in Carbonite Electric Guitar
The guitar is made from maple, mahogany, and basswood carved into the iconic Star Wars imagery. Here’s a shot of the guitar in progress.
han in progress Han Solo in Carbonite Electric Guitar
Here’s the man himself holding his creation:
han solo carbonite guitar playing 650x1135 Han Solo in Carbonite Electric Guitar
That’s sick! Well done sir, and congrats to Ben for owning this (any vids of you playing it out there?!)

Han Solo in Carbonite Electric Guitar

Rock the Cantina with Guitar2-D2

guitar2 d2 Rock the Cantina with Guitar2 D2
Some guy named Doug built this awesome homemade R2-D2 guitar. That’s about all we know of this guitar other than the fact that Doug is cool, the guitar is cool, everything Doug has every done is cool, anyone who knows Doug is cool, anyone who knows someone else named Doug is cool, air conditioning is cool, Doug is superior to everyone and I’m offering Doug $50 for this guitar right on the spot right here right now.
guitar2d2 Rock the Cantina with Guitar2 D2
$50 is too cheap for this guitar? How about $100 Doug? Come on, whaddya say? Ok apparently Doug is also very smart. How about now, Doug? Now? $125? Ok, final offer $135 cold hard cash.

(via geekologie)

Rock the Cantina with Guitar2-D2

Rock Out with your C#ck Out, Playable Guitar Urinal

guitar urinal Rock Out with your C#ck Out, Playable Guitar Urinal
Introducing Guitar Pee the guitar shaped urinal that you play with your pee. This custom urinal was made by Billboard Brasil and is touring around bars in that country. Your stream hits specially made frets and corresponding music comes out of the speaker amp above. After you pee a song on the electric guitar, an LCD screen gives you a custom number and you can then go onto a website and download your mpee3 of your pee music. “Action” video? You got it, right here:

(via cnet)

Rock Out with your C#ck Out, Playable Guitar Urinal