Yoda Hot Air Balloon: Judge Me by My Head Size, Do You?

Despite his ability to kick butt, I’ve never feared Yoda. But if I saw this Yoda head hot air balloon filling the sky near me, I think I would wet my pants. He looks pretty scary, just hanging in the air, judging humanity.

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This giant Yoda head hot air balloon and a Darth Vader version were spotted at the 2014 Albuquerque International Balloon Festival. Vader looks pretty scary too.

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It’s too bad they didn’t fight up high in the sky. It probably would have ended with Vader’s head exploding in a ball of fire. That would be amazing. Even though that didn’t happen, you don’t see giant Star Wars heads floating in the sky everyday.

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[via Geekologie]

DIY Solar-Powered Hot Air Balloon: Up, Up and Away!

I guess that balloons and airships are in, because they are popping up everywhere. I remember one year, there was even a personal balloon with a rotor available for $10,000 in the American Express rewards catalog. This project takes personal ballooning a step further because it’s solar-powered and you can make it yourself.

diy solar hot air balloon

This balloon is the brainchild of Argentinian artist Tomàs Saraceno. It’s called 59 Steps to Be on Air by Sun Power and is an exploration of architecture, art, and physics. The project is presented as a set of instructions that are supposed to be used as a sequence for creating a hot-air balloon-style flying device, which uses solar power.

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The materials used to build your own are garbage bags, transparent tape, rope, bicycle wheels, and various bits of “flotsam and jetsam” to make the structure. You can download the steps here [PDF]. It takes about 24 hours to complete the project, if two people are working on it. You’ll probably want to have a friend around anyhow to make sure that you don’t float away.

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[via designboom]