Can’t Stand The Heat? Hug A Tree

Koala BearTrees are a common hangout for many animals and insects. Under them, on top of them, next to them, around them, trees may be habitats or just places to go for temporary respite.  For some creatures trees are a source of food or a sharpening tool for their beaks, claws, or teeth. Some trees provide shade and shelter. Others provide a hiding place for certain animals.  Researchers at James Cook University in Australia recently learned of another function of trees, which they reported in the June issue of Biology Letters.

Can’t Stand The Heat? Hug A Tree

Koala BearTrees are a common hangout for many animals and insects. Under them, on top of them, next to them, around them, trees may be habitats or just places to go for temporary respite.  For some creatures trees are a source of food or a sharpening tool for their beaks, claws, or teeth. Some trees provide shade and shelter. Others provide a hiding place for certain animals.  Researchers at James Cook University in Australia recently learned of another function of trees, which they reported in the June issue of Biology Letters.

Theme Park Innovation: Amazing Tech You Are Probably Unfamiliar With

Parks TeaserEvery time a new ride opens, theme parks have to raise the bar in terms of what people have experienced before and want to experience next. You probably do not think about it, but the technology lying on theme parks is truly amazing and exceptional, in order to provide us with the amazing rides and attractions that amaze us.

Red Wine: It May Stain Your Teeth But It Fights Cavities

What a glass or two of red wine can do to your pearly whites!  But never you mind.  A new study published in the American Chemical Society's Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry has revealed that red wine is not only healthy for your heart, but for your teeth. It fights cavities! 

Innovative Food Research: Products Reflect Changing Diets

Future Food StaplesWhat will the diet of the future be like? Researchers in France have been busy developing diverse food types with higher nutritional value, alternative ingredients and production processes that are compeltley sustainable. Read on for more information, whether you are hungry or not.

Driverless Cars: The Latest Developments

The Newest Driverless CarThe driverless car hovers in our midst as the vehicle of tomorrow. What are the implications, however, when the driver's attention doesn't have to be focused on the road? Technology has developed some amazing diversions to help riders pass the time. Read on for more about this most interesting phenomenon.

Make Room For K-Glass – Amazing Wearable Technology Simulates Human Vision

Google Glass And Other DevicesWearable technology is a burgeoning fiscal force in South Korea and the Korean government is pushing for  K-Glass innovations. What is K-Glass? What advantages to Google Glass does it offer to lovers of wearable technology in general and head mounted displays specifically? Read on for some interesting answers.

Can Lasers Aid Australian Scientists To Collect Space Junk?

Floating space junkFor the last half century, space junk has been circling the earth in very destructive patterns. Now an Australian team of scientists addresses the problem head on armed with high- tech, infra-red lasers that will zap the debris out into space. Read on for more information.

Translucent Concrete: Scientific Marvel and Brilliant Innovation

Translucent concrete is a wondrous creation that sprang from the brilliant mind of Hungarian architect, Aron Losonczi. It represents a new frontier in architectural construction, design, innovation and beauty. Read on for more information on this fascinating subject.

Is Bitcoin’s Founder ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’ Keyser Söze? [UPDATED]

Is Bitcoin's Founder 'Satoshi Nakamoto' Kayser Söze?'ve been fascinated with the idea of a Satoshi Nakamoto ever since I began researching the Deep Web where Bitcoin's alleged illegal transactions have run rampant. In my post, "Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Bitcoins But Were Too Broke To Ask," I compared his anonymity to the villainous fictional character Keyser Söze from the hit movie, "The Ususal Suspects."