What to expect at Apple’s September 15th event

It’s early September, so Apple naturally has an event planned. But thanks to the coronavirus, next Tuesday’s event is going to be a little weird. Like WWDC, next week’s event will be virtual and (presumably) pre-recorded. More significant, though, is...

Apple pushes iOS 14’s updated ad anti-tracking feature to 2021

Apple's iOS 14 promises to be one of the company's most significant software updates in years. Between additions like widgets and the App Library, there's a lot coming with iOS 14 that will likely change how you interact with your iPhone. But few of...

Instagram will fix bug that mistakenly shows camera as ‘on’ in iOS 14

Apple’s iOS 14 beta is still catching misbehaving apps. Instagram has promised The Verge it will fix a recently reported bug that lists the camera as on when you’re simply browsing your feed, not just when you’re using the built-in camera features. T...