Amazon will let Italians buy Fiat cars with a click

Amazon has made it easier to research cars online, but actually purchasing a car? That's another story. Even a recent deal with Seat in France limited customers to making a downpayment on the web -- they still had to agree to a phone interview to cli...

Italian earthquake victims asked to disable WiFi passwords

Early Wednesday a 6.2 magnitude earthquake struck central Italy, killing at least 120 people and trapping countless others under debris. To help ease communications for search and recovery, multiple disaster relief institutions are urging locals to t...

World’s Longest Pizza Measures More Than a Mile Long

Pizza, the food of the gods. How do you celebrate a food so amazing? You build the world’s longest pizza of course. That’s what recently happened in Naples, Italy.

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It took 250 pizza chefs working in shifts of 100 to cook this giant pizza that measures 6,082 feet, or 1.15 miles long. It took five motorized wood-burning stoves to cook the whole thing. They went down the length foot by foot. It took literally tons of ingredients to make this thing, like 2.2 tons of flour, 2.2 tons of mozzarella cheese, 3,527 pounds of tomato sauce, 200 liters of olive oil, and 66 pounds of fresh basil. Mamma mia!

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Visitors were able to grab a slice after the record was confirmed.

[via Eater via Geekologie]