End texts with a period if you want to seem like a jerk

It appears as though those among us who use proper punctuation when texting look like big jerks. A new study out of Binghamton University says that text messages appended with a period come off as kind of rude. Computer Mediated Communication (email,...

Duck Dynasty Faces I Stand with Phil Petition

Phil Robertson was into Sex, Drugs and Rock & Roll. He had hit rock bottom when he was miraculously saved by his faith in Jesus Christ as a savior. From that day onward he preached the Christian...

AT&T will Exclusively Sale Pebble Smartwatch for $150 on September 27th

AT&T and Pebble have joined hands in order to sell the smart watch by the latter for $150 at the former company’s stores. Friday is the date of the official launch for this wonderful device....