Star Trek Enterprise Rug

uss enterprise rug Star Trek Enterprise Rug
Boldly go where no home decor has gone before with the Star Trek Rug. Star Trek Enterprise Rug This 39″ x 71″ polyester pile rug features the USS Enterprise NCC 1701 emblazoned across it. Which makes it perfect to decorate your living room with especially if you’ve already got yourself an Enterprise coffee table or a USS Enterprise cat tree. You do, right?

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Star Trek Enterprise Rug

8-Bit Video Game Rugs Offer Soft Pixels Beneath Your Feet

Most geeks I know play their video games in the living room. But even if you play in your room or don’t play games at all, I think you’d agree that every living room needs a rug. That’s where Etsy artist Harmonden comes in.

8Bit RugsHarmonden makes 8-bit crocheted rugs of notable characters from video games (like the one above that features Link from Legend of Zelda) and of other gaming-related stuff, like console controllers and other game elements. You can check more of them out in the gallery below.

8Bit Rugs1 300x250 8Bit Rugs2 300x250 8Bit Rugs3 300x250 pixel rug bob omb 300x250 8Bit Rugs4 300x250 8Bit Rugs5 300x250 pixel rug mushroom 300x250 pixel rug minecraft pig 300x250 8Bit Rugs 300x250

The rugs are priced from $20 to $45(USD) and are available for purchase from Harmonden’s Etsy shop.

[via Laughing Squid]

The Scrabble Rug Earns +4 For Style

While we all wish we had 12 g’s to spend on a giant wall-mounted scrabble board our champagne and caviar dreams are faced with a harsh shasta and ramen noodles reality. But that doesn’t mean a giant scrabble board is entirely out of reach. The Scrabble rug is a 78” x 78” replica, which is only about half a foot smaller than the World’s Largest Scrabble Game—that is if my math is correct. Which it usually isn’t. Which is why I always win at Scrabble—I add the scores up all wrong. Luckily none of my opponents ever notice. Mostly because they’re cats. What? It’s not like people want to come over and play scrabble at a crazy cat lady’s house.


A Wood Floor That Rolls Up Like A Rug

Wouldn’t it be great if you could install a hardwood floor with the same amount of effort as laying down a rug? Of course it would but unless you’re a wizard it’s not gonna happen. Luckily the folks at Ruckstuhl are in fact wizards and used their magic powers to create Legno-Legno, a wooden rug. The rugs don’t just look like wood, they’re made out of it (and a little polyurethane). They can still be rolled up like a carpet, but are way easier to clean. Legno-Legno is available in 5 different colors… which is good because you probably can’t sand and stain these babies. Why a bunch of wizards got together and decided to use their powers to make a wooden rug is beyond me. Personally I would have made a mansion made out of ice cream.

Flying Carpet Rug

flying carpet 650x397 Flying Carpet Rug
Relax on a “flying carpet” with this unique rug from Opulent Items. The rug is actually in two parts- the top New Zealand wool rug and the foam wedges that go underneath to give it the “flying” effect. The wedges are sold separately and come in both small and large sizes so you can customize it to your liking. It looks pretty comfortable to me- like a very comfortable mini-golf course. That comfort comes at a price though- $1000 for the rug alone and wedges starting at $475 for the small one. Maybe DIY is the way to go on this instead.

Flying Carpet Rug