Star Wars Opening Crawl Infinity Scarves

Did Rogue One feel naked to you without the opening crawl? More importantly, do you feel naked without it? Well, now you can wear one around your neck.

These opening crawl infinity scarves are based on The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.

They will keep your neck warm and give you some reading material whenever you need it. They are very geek-chic. Jyn Erso probably should have worn one of these Rogue One, then the movie could have still had an opening crawl. It would have been perfect.

You can pre-order them now and they’re estimated for a May arrival, so maybe you can be wearing one by May the 4th. Each will cost you $19.99(USD).

[via The Kessel Runway via Fashionably Geek]

This Hooded Scarf Makes You Look Like An Ewok


With the release of The Force Awakens barely a month away, Star Wars fever is at an all time high. So of course the merchandising machine is running full steam. With it being the Holiday season, it’s practically hysterical. There won’t be any surprise then that we see stuff like the Star Wars Ewok Knit Hooded Scarf popping up. It’s a cute piece of clothing that presumably will keep you warm while also sort of making you look like an Ewok. You won’t fool anyone into thinking you’re an actual Ewok, however, because you don’t look ike George Lucas and everyone knows he made those in his image. Well, maybe he didn’t but I always thought he looked like an Ewok. Amirite? Anyone?

Ok, I’ll show myself out. But not before telling you the thing is $25.

[ Product Page ]

Bacon Scarf Looks Delicious, Isn’t For Eating


We want to buy this. It’s a silk scarf made by Natalie Luder, a designer from Switzerland, and is called “Fou Lard Bacon Scarf” (“foulard” is the French word for scarf). It’s digitally printed, along with a black rolled hem, and measures 70.8 inches long x 13.7 inches wide. It looks so delicious, we could eat it. But we won’t.

We won’t even buy it.

Why? Well, because the darn thing is $170. Who on earth would ever pay $170 for a novelty silk scarf? Anyway… it’s nice to know it exists, we suppose.










[ Product Page ] VIA [ OddityMall ]

8Bit Nintendo Glitch Screen Scarves

glitch scarf 8Bit Nintendo Glitch Screen Scarves
No matter how much you blow on these scarves, they’re still going to be glitchy. These 8bit scarves from Glitchaus by Jeff Donaldson are designed based on a pattern from a composite screen capture from the short circuit screen from the Nintendo Entertainment System. Those pixel errors look a lot better on a person than on the screen- and certainly less frustrating- argh!
glitch scarf2 8Bit Nintendo Glitch Screen Scarves
Jeff keeps a 1:1 pixel to knot ratio (which btw is one my top 3 ratios after the Golden Ratio and 2:1). He also has some 16 and 32 bit designs. Each scarf is hand knit to order and available in pre-selected or custom color choices for $75-95.

8Bit Nintendo Glitch Screen Scarves

nom nom Scarves Are For the Cold and Incredibly Hungry

Scarves are meant to be worn so you can keep your neck warm and comfy when the elements are being particularly harsh. But aside from their functional purposes, they’re also great for making fashion statements whenever you want to.

If you’ve run out of ideas for shapes to fold your Origami Scarves into, then give it a rest and show off your love for food with these nom nom Scarves.

nom nom Scarves

They’re 100% acrylic and 0% eatable, and they come in two delectable designs: Bacon and Eggs, and Sushi. Don’t get them if you’re on a diet though, because you’ll probably find yourself chowing down on more bacon than you should.

nom nom Scarves1

The nom nom Scarves are available from ThinkGeek for $29.99 (USD) each.

[via Gadgets Matrix]